Saturday, September 6, 2008

Bold and the Beautiful Clips are Coming!

I just found out that I am going to be able to post video clips from the Bold and The Beautiful on this blog!

I will also be developing clips to show you behind the scenes of Bold and Beautiful and any events that I attend.

Hey, if you have any ideas on what topics you want to see/read please send them!


sam bell said...

i want to see all the differnt sets on the bold and the beautiful and the different houses and buildings are they were u really film?

Jennifer Gareis' Blog said...

Bold and Beautiful has some really great scenes...We usually do not open the set when we are filming but I will ask if I am allowed to take pictures and post them. Stay tuned.

sam bell said...

thank u :D

Vera said...

Oh really?! your a sweetheart!!! Thankx for doing that to us!!!! Im sure that its fun!!!

Unknown said...

I would like u to tell me where you take your clips or to put all the clips about rick and phoebe, pleeeeaaaseee ?