I know this week I already posted here on my personal blog and on the Bold and Beautiful blog...To check out that one, I wrote about what a typical day off is like. You can check it out here:
Bold and Beautiful blogIn that entry I didn't get into that much detail about a typical night on the party scene. For sure, it can be pretty crazy and every group of friends has their on places to hang out. Just to give you a few details...
The Dinner PartyMy friends like to meet up for a "dinner parties". Dinner usually begins at 7 or 8 and can go for hours. If the person is lucky enough to have a pool, the party ends up in the water. I wrote about one party I attended in the valley a few weeks ago, where half the guests ended up in the pool with their clothing on. I know that sounds like scene from a movie...right? Interested in hearing what's prepared? Let me know...
Everyone DrivesIn LA everyone drives, so it's not hard to see which house is having a bash. Cars can be parked for blocks along the road. When I go to a place like that and you can actually hear the music before you see the house, it reminds of my college and going to a frat party. Anyone else having this memory?
The RestaurantIn LA going to a restaurant can be entertaining if you pick the same place minutes before as say someone really famous. All the photogs are there hanging out on the sidewalk and the famous person is inside. The people in the restaurant don't really care, and it's business as usual. Or at least it looks that way. However the scene outside is different. Bodyguards, SUVs, and lots of flashing. The most famous person I have seen eating in LA has to be Brad Pit.
So, what's your impression of LA and have you ever been here? Is there something you want to know about living here? Go ahead and ask away.
Oh, the picture at the top is my Grand Aunt Vicki and her granddaughter that wants to get into acting (so my second cousin?)...I included this picture here because none of her friends believe we are related. I hope this proves it...let me know Shelbi!